Teresa Dozier Heads to Veterinary School
Deciding to become a veterinarian is a big decision. Teresa Dozier has been a Veterinary Assistant a North Elm Animal Hospital for almost two years and she’s always known she wanted to become a veterinarian. Encore Vet Group would like to extend our congratulations to Teresa, who was recently accepted to North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine! “I knew this was a goal for myself when I got to assist in a foreign body surgery while interning at a veterinary hospital as a senior in high school,” said Teresa. The new DVM Candidate says her mentors are the veterinarians at North Elm Animal Hospital since they have been instrumental in helping her learn more about the field and answering all her questions.
“You can tell Teresa is passionate about animals because she never gets impatient. She is a calm and gentle presence, which animals sense and respond to positively. Teresa is always smiling and always willing to help. She is conscientious and ready to do what it takes to get the job done right. This makes her a great team member and will make her a great vet,” said Dr. Miranda Lemyre of North Elm Animal Hospital.
Teresa is looking forward to learning new things the most, and she’s eager to experience things firsthand as a veterinary student. Dr. Lemrye shared some advice for Teresa for her journey through veterinary school saying to “keep up with your studies, stay on top of it, and relax and have fun!”
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